
The Vanderes Foundation has an independent board consisting of three members:

Mirte Gosker


Mirte has a Master’s in International Development Studies from Wageningen University and completed the INSEAD Social Entrepreneurship Programme in 2017. With a background in research on humanitarian logistics and operational management within the startup scene, she now works as Development Lead for The Good Food Institute Asia Pacific. She is a member of the Effective Altruism movement in Singapore and is dedicated to making the foundation as effective as possible.

Inge van Dasselaar


Inge has a double degree Masters in Forest- and Nature Conservation and Leisure, Tourism and Environment both from Wageningen University. In her daily working career, she runs a business focused on forest and nature management.

Nienke Budde


Nienke is an international C-suite consultant and coach. She has a MBA from INSEAD and degrees from Harvard, Stanford and Oxford Business School. She has worked at various types and sizes of organisations, both in the Netherlands as well as in Asia and Africa. Nienke has visited over 150 countries and is an amateur photographer. She has an online training and coaching platform that helps women reach their full potential.